Something about Linux
Some basic commands that I use more often than any other.

What is Linux?
Linux is a kernel. What is a Kernel? A kernel is a program that runs at the core of an operating system, When an Operating system is booted, after the bootloader the first program to go in memory is an operating system’s kernel. And, this never leaves the memory space till you shut down the operating system. A kernel has control over all the hardware And uses different programs, and algorithms for memory management, resource allocation, etc. And kernel is the program that provides an interface between the user and the hardware.
Linux is free and open-source, which means that you can simply change anything in Linux and redistribute it in your own name! There are several Linux Distributions, commonly called “distros”.
- Ubuntu
- Arch Linux
- Fedora
What is a Linux shell or terminal?
A shell is a program that provides an interface to the user in the form of input commands, that then carried to Kernel for processing. After the processing, it shows the output to the user. You can interact with the shell, in order to use the hardware by either using A Shell, like BASH, sh, ZSH, etc or using an application

So, here some command Linux commands, that I use more often than others.
File system Listing
Connection — SSH, SCP
Services and processes
SOftware — Ubuntu basic information,
Hardware — peripheral information, wire, buses information
Ownership and permissions
# Reference